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See Rihanna and A$AP Rocky’s Newborn Baby Family Photos

Our ears are filled with (very danceable) music: Rihanna and A$AP Rocky Rocky recently shared a slew of family images, including Riot Rose, their newborn boy, and RZA, their 16-month-old big brother.

टीम साप्ताहिक
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Riot is only six weeks old, having graced the world with his presence on August 1st, at 7:41 a.m. In terms of publicity, things are already looking up for Rihanna and Rocky this time around: Riot’s name and birthday were revealed to the public just over a month after his birth, and of his less-specific existence even earlier, whereas RZA was only a few days shy of his first birthday before we even knew what his name was. Read more about celebrity babies here.

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by टीम साप्ताहिक
भारतातील बातम्या, मनोरंजन आणि बरेच काही शोधा! साप्ताहिक हा तुमचा दैनंदिन डोस ज्याची देशभरात चर्चा आहे.

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