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7 tricks of Pure Ghee for Effective Digestive System Functioning

The every second person in this world is having a problem with their digestion. Use of pure Ghee for effective digestive system functioning. It is an old method and used in Panchakarma frequently. Healing digestive system is straightforward. Use this tips to heal your digestion and stay fit. I had been searching how to heal my digestive system and get ...

टीम साप्ताहिक
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The every second person in this world is having a problem with their digestion. Use of pure Ghee for effective digestive system functioning. It is an old method and used in Panchakarma frequently. Healing digestive system is straightforward. Use this tips to heal your digestion and stay fit.

  • I had been searching how to heal my digestive system and get rid of the mess of toxins in my intestine.
  • The mess happens when we care nothing about eating.
  • Eating unhealthy foods often damage the tissue of your intestine. And blocked the essential functions of the tissues.
  • Stop eating oily, fried, junk and spicy food.
  • The main healing and natural procedures are effortless, you can do it at your home, read it below.

Go to the market and buy pure cow ghee. If you get it at your village, it is the best.  The most important thing should keep in the mind is when you buy ghee, it should be from the Domestic cow, not from the commercial ones.   So, here are the steps involves for using ghee for easily digestion system functioning

  1. Take 50ml of ghee in the morning first after your regular bowel movement.
  2. Increase the quantity by adding 25ml every morning. That means on the second day it should be 75ml.
  3. Before you eat the ghee, make it warm in the room temperature, it is a bit solid at RT.
  4. Keep the warm water handy. When you consumed the ghee, you need to drink warm water is compulsory.
  5. Keep this practice daily, and the most important thing is, when you eat ghee, do not eat until you feel the hunger.
  6. As per my knowledge, it will take four to five days to cleanse the entire intestinal tract. The procedure is completed when you will realize that your bowel contains ghee, and it is all disturbing. You will go to the toilet more than three times. You suppose to stop the treatment.
  7. This is one of The Panchakarma. If you cannot do it at your home, visit any Panchakarma hospital. I hope this was helpful to you.
by टीम साप्ताहिक
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